Reset Health With Me

What is this program about?

  • This is a habit and a lifestyle forming program, which is designed for you as per your current health status and the health goal you aim to achieve.
  • It helps you learn and experience what food combinationswork well for your body and guide you through to set your body clock the right way which improves health in all parameters.
  • The program not only focuses on achieving the right weight but also strengthensthe gut and helps manage medical concerns.
  • For those who are looking at learning more about what works for their bodies and how they can take charge of their health on their own , post a guiding journey with me. This means working on reducing fat the right way and getting in shape and fitter.
  • It is a holistic program which will revolve around you and your routine, as it is tailored for you and modifies during your travels and busy schedules as being on a diet can be temporary but being on the right diet would make you feel the best and will become your lifestyle.
diet expert faridabad

Why did I design this program?

Who will benefit from this?

Who wants to

  • Achieve a healthy bodyand mind without fancy stuff.
  • Get to a comfortable and healthy body weight.
  • Feel energeticand healthy from within.
  • Improve health parameters.
  • Put in efforts every single day for your own body and family.
  • Have better gut health, hormonal health, and immune response.
  • Achieve sustainable resultsthe right way.
  • Who have medical concerns such as PCOS, IBS, extreme pms symptoms or hormonal symptoms related to menstrual cycle , a weak gut, acidity, GERD, gastritis, bloating, heaviness, allergies and food sensitivities, a lower body weight , Type 1 diabetes, Type 1.5 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes thyroid, pregnancy or postpartum phase, Heart conditions, post COVID body concerns
Who won’t benefit from this?

Who wants to

  • Lose weight by any means and fast.
  • Follow fad diets.
  • Not putting effort on a daily basis.
  • Just lose weight for a holiday or a function.
  • Do not want to communicate regularly.

The Transformation Roadmap – 3 phases

  • You feel light and healthy

  • Learn about the right food combinations and timings

  • Yes, weight loss also will be there 🙂



  • Clothes fit you better.

  • You see visible results.

  • Get ready for compliments

  • You are transformed!

  • Ready to take charge of your body with the learnings and the results.

  • Hard work, efforts and time you have given has finally been rewarded.


Phase 1 (Month 1)
  • Questionnaire is shared and studied.

  • Your personalized weeks diet is shared which is revised each week

  • The current routine is balanced with the right body clock setting.

  • Right food combinations and timings are set.

  • You start building the right habits and practice discipline & consistency.

  • You feel light and healthy.

  • You start learning about what works for you and what not.

  • We also discuss progress once every 15 days over a video call

    The reset has begun.

Phase 2 (Month 2-3)
  • This takes us to the advanced program where we apply our learnings to speed up progress in all areas.

  • Along with weekly diets , a one day light diet is introduced.

  • Increase in intensity of workout is applied and nutrition complexity is increased.

  • You start to see visible results.

  • Get ready for the compliments!

  • Your clothes start to fit better.

  • The journey is less effortful now.

Phase 3 (Months 3-6)
  • Transformation

  • A 10-12 kg weight loss can be achieved at this stage( also depends on the scope of weight loss ) and maintenance can be learned to take charge of your body in your hands.

  • You have built the right lifestyle and confidence of achieving health goals with normal and known food items.

Investment for this Program?


A single video consultation to discuss your health goals and what should be your strategy to achieve that with health concerns is also available.

This is priced at 2000 INR – 30 minutes

To be booked in advance

Rs.5,000 INR

Rs.12,000 INR